The William R. Nicholson Adult Resource Center

The William R Nicholson Adult Resource Center was established to enhance economic opportunities for young adults in metro Atlanta. Our program offers post high school and after high school students several flexible options for those interested in career advancement, certification or a new career direction. Our objective is to reach students who have the desire to obtain a trade through our vocational programs. Our programs are focused on trades that are in high demand in the market place. The student will be equipped with the skills that are needed to earn income in the market. As we certify students, we will also provide the student with the resources needed to be successful entrepreneurs.


  • Comprehensive career and basic skills assessment.
  • Basic skills instruction (reading, writing, and math).
  • Credit recovery toward a high school diploma.
  • General Education Development (GED) instruction.
  • Basic computer skills instruction.
  • Parenting and life skills instruction for pregnant and parenting teens through the Teen Parent Program.
  • Pre-Employment skills training and job search assistance and placement.
  • Access to community resources.
  • Assistance with transportation, job search clothing, child care, and GED testing.
  • Independent Living Skills Program for youth in foster care.

Aspire Educational Resources

We aree located in Ellenwood, GA.

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